
To learn more about any of our Partner Organizations, click on "About Us" and then "Partners" in the left side bar. Scroll down for a full list and easy links to all of those groups.

Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers –
Learn about this remarkable group of Afghan youth and their ongoing work for peace in their home and the world.

Voices for Creative
While not a 501(c)(3) non-profit, the work of Voices' members has been at the heart of efforts toward peace and justice for Iraq, Afghanistan and the region for two decades.

To offer direct support for victims of the wars, internally displaced persons, and refugees:

International Rescue Committee  –  (designate donation for Iraq or Afghanistan)
IRC is large, well-resourced organization that supports the needs of Iraqis in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, as well as supporting and advocating for the rights of Iraqis resettled to the USA.

Iraqi Health Now  –
Small grassroots effort in Michigan that ships medical and other supplies to Basra. Fiscal sponsor is Healing the Children Michigan, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Palestine Children's Relief (designate donation)
PCRF provides medical care to children, including Iraqis, in the Middle East.

To advocate for refugees from the wars in the region:

Refugees (designate donations)
Advocacy group that has been a leading voice in Washington for policy change in support of refugees for several years. While they don't deliver aid, their work has been crucial.

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